Lectures given by Prof. Jean Pascal Zanders for the masters of the programs "Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies" and "Biomedical Engineering"
This year the discipline of Nuclear and Radiological Safety for Masters in Microelectronics and Nanotechnology and Biomedical Engineering was modified by including new topics, according to a research project STCU 9608. New topics related to the interaction of research, engineering and non-proliferation. The new topics were presented with the contribution of the Belgian university professor Jean Pascal Zanders, one of the leading specialists in the world in the field of non-proliferation of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction and research ethics with dual-purpose materials and technologies. The lectures were monitored by STCU expert Dr. Maria Espona (Argentina).
The new study topics are included in the new test grid as well as the master's research topics. We mention the growing number of master students in these specialties from 24 (a.2021) to 37 (2022) graduates of various specialties (energy, computers, biomedical engineering, microelectronics and nanotechnology, machine building, sports medicine) from TUM and MSU.